Open Mic Finder - Accurate information on open mic nights

Brighton and Hove Open Mic Nights

Event List
Event List


Open mic & jam at George Street Tap, Hove
The First Sunday of each month
4-5 George Street, Hove, BN3 3YA


The Brighton Tavern, Brighton
Every Monday
99-100 Gloucester Road, Brighton, BN1 4AP


Rocket Records Open Mic at The Rock Inn Pub, Kemptown
The Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month
7 Rock St, Kemptown, BN2 1NF
Rocket Records Acoustic at The Mesmerist, Brighton
The First and Third Tuesday of each month
1-3 Prince Albert St, Brighton, BN1 1HE


The Lewes Road Inn, Brighton
Every Wednesday
158 Lewes Rd, Brighton, BN2 3LF
New band night at The Hare and Hound, Brighton
The First and Third Wednesday of each month
75 London Road, Brighton, BN1 4JF


Open Mic Night with the Beat Master Generals at Old Albion, Hove
The Fourth Thursday of each month
110 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2EB
Beluga Open Mic at The Southern Belle, Brighton
Every Thursday
3 Waterloo street, Brighton, BN3 1AQ


It seems it's a No-fret Friday. No events found.


This shall be a Song-free Saturday. No events found.

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